Welcome to the chaotic, beautiful world of fanfiction, where characters do what we wish they had done in canon, and we willingly sacrifice sleep for just one more chapter.
But like any great fandom, the fanfiction community thrives on respect, appreciation, and the unspoken agreement that fluff is good for the soul. To keep things fun and drama-free, here are some essential fanfiction etiquette rules you should follow.
1. Thou Shall Not Rate Fanfics Like a Rotten Tomato Critic
Fanfiction isn’t Yelp. There are no stars, no “Would Not Recommend” comments, and definitely no need to critique like you’re writing a thesis. Authors are out here writing 100K-word masterpieces for free, so if you must say something, make it supportive (or at least entertaining).
2. If You Don’t Have Anything Nice to Say, Keep Scrolling
Hate-reading is exhausting, and frankly, we don’t have time for it. If a fic isn’t your cup of tea, move along. Constructive criticism is fine, but “This sucks” isn’t a personality trait.
3. Respect the Author’s Sharing Rules (Yes, That Means Asking Permission)
Before you repost, translate, or share someone’s fic on another platform, ask the magical, talented, over-caffeinated author who wrote it. If they say no, that means no—not “No, but maybe if I ignore this and do it anyway.”
4. Fanfiction is Free—Let’s Keep It That Way
Selling handmade fic binds or charging for fanfiction access is not just a fandom faux pas—it’s literally illegal. Fanfiction should remain a passion project, not a black-market industry. Want to support a fanfic author? Leave a nice comment.
5. Give Credit Where Credit Is Due
If you’re gushing about a fic on social media (#FanficAddicts, we see you!), tag the author and link to their work. Let’s not make fic-rec Twitter threads a game of “Who Wrote This?”
6. Stop Ghosting Works in Progress (WIPs)
Yes, we all have trust issues with abandoned fics (RIP to that 30-chapter epic that stopped updating in 2014), but authors need encouragement too! Your kudos and comments could be the push they need to finish that cliffhanger you’re crying over.
7. Always Comment & Leave Kudos (Yes, Even If You Just Lurked Like a Book Gremlin)
Imagine cooking a five-course meal and watching everyone eat in silence. That’s what reading without leaving a kudos or comment feels like. Even a “This ruined my life in the best way” is better than radio silence.
8. Read the Tags—For the Love of Your Own Sanity
Authors painstakingly tag fics for a reason. Don’t ignore them, dive in, and then act surprised when the angsty slow-burn ruins you. If you think a tag is missing, politely mention it—no need for pitchforks.
9. Don’t Yuck Someone Else’s Yum
You might be here for slow-burn soulmates, someone else is here for tentacle angst with a redemption arc—and that’s okay! Let people enjoy their niche tropes in peace.
By following these rules, you’ll help keep the fanfiction community the amazing, creative, and sometimes unhinged place that we all love. So go forth, read all the fics, and be a good fandom citizen!
#FanFiction #Dramione #RulesForFanfiction
#FanficCommunity #AO3Love #ReadMoreFics
I won’t post negative reviews—if I talk about a fic, it’s because I loved it. My heart belongs to Dramione, but I’m open to fic requests—just give me time to read! If I missed any major fanfiction etiquette rules, let me know!
like any great fandom, the fanfiction community thrives on respect, appreciation, and the unspoken agreement that fluff is good for the soul. To keep things fun and drama-free, here are some essential fanfiction etiquette rules you should follow.
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